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O.T.D.H. Loot Maps
O.T.D.H. Loot Maps

Updated 16.9..2024

This site is for loot maps of Gearbox's Borderlands and Wonderlands games focusing on enemies with unique loot, collectibles, cosmetics, loot chests, and other notable info and details. Loot maps have been made for Borderlands, Borderlands 2, Borderlands the Pre-Sequel, Borderlands 3 and Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, including all main game, DLC, and additional content areas.

Status update - 16th September 2024

Added zip archives of all O.T.D.H. Loot Maps (in .jpg):
Found at new Archive page.

O.T.D.H. Loot Maps mark dedicated loot from set enemies (with fixed spawn locations), collectibles, cosmetics, loot chests, and other info (like selected eastern eggs). Generally only items that don't have a in-game marker that points precisely to it's location (such as collectibles, ECHO's, mission items...), are marked. Exact location of items whose location game shows only as general area also included.

Legendary and Unique loot can be distinguished from item cards red flavour text. Legendaries and Uniques have usually a select number of fixed parts and special properties. Loot can be acquired in Borderlands games roughly by two ways, either from dedicated/world drops or from mission/challenges rewards. World drop means that most of the gear has lower chance to drop from practically any lootable object (drops from bosses and lesser enemies, chests, lockers, skag piles...). It should be noted that every marked boss have lower chance to drop world drops in addition their dedicated loot. These loot maps focus mainly on dedicated enemy drops. Note that all maps obviosly do contain information that might be viewed as spoilers, revealing enemy names, locations, and such. Additionally note that multiple areas open up on story progress. Those areas that are available only for specific time are marked on maps. All chests on these maps have been looted and verified by author. Some are more puzzle to reach, but fret not, there's a way to each.

If spotted something missing or inaccurate details, you are warmly welcomed to contribute. Just drop details in contact page and receive genuine heap of cookies as a reward, and obviously be fully credited.